The second endeavour into expanding my skill-set is a week-long class in boroscilicate marble-making taught by Christopher Rice at the Corning Museum of Glass. I was fortunate enough to take a trip out to visit the CMoG this past summer to browse their extensive collection of art glass as well as learn of their world-class education facilities - even more fortunately, I have been accepted into Chris’ boroscilicate marble course this winter! You can be sure that I will be sharing the results of both the marble-making and glass fusing classes as I progress thru them.
Other than that, I’ve spent my holidays sketching out some ideas of what I would like to experiment with once I return to the torch in my spare time in the new year, as well as updating my online sketchbook to share that process - there can often be some interesting twists and turns along the path of bringing a hand-drawn image into the sculptural reality of the third dimension, so be sure to check back as I update with the newest postings.
Finally, as I have been enjoying this winter wonderland rather than working in the studio, I will leave you with an image from this past summer’s trip to the CMoG while I go back to enjoying a glass of wine by the fireplace and wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2010!